Page 79 - 視野 我的意外人生
P. 79
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The Life of Helen Keller
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When Helen Keller was made blind and deaf through fever at the age of
18 months,the prospect for her seemed anything but rosy. Born in 1880, at a
time when blind/deaf people were likely to be consigned to the poor nouse or
asylum. She went on to live a faller and more adventurous life than many before
or since.
Robbed by illness of two of her senses,she used the others to learn about
the world she lived in.Owing to the difficulity of communicating. She became a
rather riotous child and eary to anger. It’s not hard to imagine that Helen’s
behavior, born of frustration with limifs on her life,was frustrating for her banents
too, eventally,the decided to hire a private futor to assist with her education and
upbringing. For Helen this is a world-changing day. And Helen had said“it was
the most important day in all my life”.
Anne Sallivan 21years old and a reccnt graduate of perkins. Institate fot the
blind in Boston,She became not only a teacher,but a friend and companion to
her until she died.
She began to leach her to manual alphabet,spelling individual letters into
her hand for Helen to feel. And Helen learned to read and write Braille and to
read lips by feeling the shapes, and vibrations formed by people as they speak.
That’s very difficult,and few people ever manage to do sucessfullly at age 9.
She began to learn to speak,although it was difficult. Finally she became the
spokeswoman of the American Federation for the blind on 1921.
Through her work. Helen drew attention to the people who had often been
overlooked,she became a housdhold name by the time she died at the age
of 88.After her death.The Helen Keller International was founded to lighe the
scourge of blindness in developing world.
In the article of“Three days to see”she said“she had visited a very
good friend who had just returned from a long walk in the woods, and she asked
her what she had observed” Nothing in particular. She replied. How was it
possible, to walk for an hour through the woods and see nothing worthy of note?
Iwho cannot see find haudrdes of things to interest me through mere touch.
She said if she has 3 days to see. She want to call all of her dear friends
and look long into their face, and look into the loyal trusting eyes of her dogs.
Read book take a long walk in the wood on the beauties of the world of nature.
To see the colors of sunrise and sunset, to visit the New York museum of
Natural History to visit Metropolitan Museum.
I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were
stricken blind and deaf fot a few days at some time during his early adult lite.
Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight;silence would teach him
the joys of sound.